Saturday, July 24, 2010

And God said "Let there be a Republic"

Democrats and Republicans believe that America is a democracy. Not true. America is more than that. America is a republic. When you stand up to say the pledge of allegiance to the flag, do you say "and to the democracy for which it stands"? No. Why is that? Because the framers of the constitution drafted a document that would permit democracy only with rules written into the articles and the first ten amendments (the Bill of Rights) that would 'constitute' a form of government known as a Republic.
The Bill of Rights, and the amendments that followed, are limitations on what the government has the authority to do.
The Republican Party of today was born in 1854 from the abolitionist movement. When the Democratic Party attempted to expand slavery into the new territories that were entering the United States, the outrage over 'The Kansas-Nebraska Act' sparked a grass roots movement devoted to republican values.
Shortly after the Civil War, the Republican Party in Congress passed the 13th, 14th and 15th amendments to the Constitution.
The fundamental values of republicanism today are the same as they were then, but they are sadly misunderstood by republicans themselves, and despised by many democrats who wish to push the limits beyond the rule of law. Democrats want the rule of the majority without regard for the law. This is naturally predictable because that's what the difference between a republic and a simple democracy is.
This blog is intended to clear up the myths and misinformation about the republic and the republican party. A true republican should understand the history of the party as it relates to the present, and understand that there is no shame in being republican. We have no history of racism, slavery, segregation or eugenics that our opponents on the other side of the aisle try to label us with simply because we have a majority in the south.
When fifty-one percent of the people exploits the other forty-nine percent by a simple majority vote, we call it democracy.
When rules forbid the exploitation and tyranny of democracy, we call it a republic.
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