Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Carpetbaggers targeted by the Klan.

A cartoon threatening that the KKK would lynch...Image via Wikipedia
After the Civil War, many Union Army veterans, officers, and northerners in general decided to build churches, newspapers and schools in the southern states to help the freedmen assimilate to society. These veterans and others were primarily Republicans. There were Democrats on the Union side from the North, but their reason for supporting the Union was their opposition to secession, not support for abolition.
The republicans that came to the south were resented by the ex confederates. They referred to the migrants as "carpetbaggers" because they generally carried what they had in luggage made from materials that resembled carpet. Southerners accused them of being opportunists who were only interested in personal gain at the expense of an already impoverished white population. The Ku Klux Klan threatened the carpetbaggers with lynching as well as the freedmen.
Some of the schools, churches and newspapers that were built by the carpetbaggers and freedmen with the help of scalawags were burned down by Klansmen and other white supremacy terrorist groups such as the "Knights of the White Camelia" and the "Red Shirts".
 One incident was the Insurrection at Wilmington, North Carolina in 1898. About five hundred white supremacist democrats led by Alfred Wadell forced hundreds of black citizens to flee, destroyed the newspaper press, the Daily Record, and forced Republican members of the cities government to resign.
 Recently, a democrat politician said that if "Republicans were elected, black schools and churches would burn". That wasn't just a warning, it was a threat!
 Things are no different today than they were between republicans and democrats.

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