Monday, August 16, 2010

Scalawags: Southern Republicans Who Supported the Union

I often like to refer to myself as a scalawag. Pejorative as it sounds, a scalawag is a southerner who formed an alliance with the freedmen and the carpetbaggers during the reconstruction period after the Civil War. A scalawag was seen as a traitor to the confederacy I suppose. They helped build the churches, newspapers and schools for the freedmen. A scalawag was a southern republican. Democrats, the KKK, threatened the scalawags and the carpetbaggers with the same punishment they had threatened the freedmen with. This is all repetitive if you read my last post.
My point is always this. Those who wish to exploit, or alienate the rights of someone, must circumvent the Constitution, particularly the Bill of Rights. The first ten amendments to the Constitution are the ten articles from the Bill of Rights. The Bill Of Rights is what constitutes a Republic. The abolitionists, carpetbaggers, scalawags and all other republicans are called republicans because the Bill of Rights. The Radical Republicans passed the thirteenth, fourteenth and fifteenth amendments in Congress. The Democrats opposed the thirteenth amendment by more than seventy five percent. They opposed the thirteenth and fourteenth amendments by one hundred percent.
 Forget the notion that Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery. He had been dead for about eight months before the amendments began to pass. He did not have the authority as president to do so, otherwise he would have been a dictator, not a president. It takes a Congress to pass law, not a president. Presidents must execute the law, not decide what law is. Lincoln emancipated four hundred thousand slaves under the confiscation act as his authority as president did allow during a time of war. Oh, don't forget, Lincoln was a hillbilly from Kentucky, a southern state. Lincoln was a scalawag too.
 But in order to circumvent the republic, and exploit the helpless minority, one must rely on a form of government known as democracy, a show of hands, all in favor say aye! When something can be decided simply by a show of hands, then the law, right and wrong, can be ignored. That's why they are called "democrat". Yes, democrat is pejorative too. Democrats reject the rule of law because it stands in the way of their agenda. A bigot who wants to deny rights to those he feels superior to cannot tolerate the Constitution. Bigots cannot tolerate republicans.
A scalawag governor from North Carolina was impeached by the democrats because he had fought the Klan. His name was William Woods Holden. I'll tell his story next post.
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